Canadian Donations (CanadaHelps)
If you would like to pay by other means or arrange for regular donations to ICS by bank transfer or credit card please email or call Vidya at 416-979-2331 x223.
You can also donate by making a cheque out to:
Institute for Christian Studies
and mailed to:
59 St. George St.
Toronto, ON, M5S 9Z9
You can donate through CanadaHelps by filling out the embedded form below. Also available at this link.
U.S. Donations
U.S. Supporters who would like to receive U.S. tax receipts can donate through our U.S. charitable foundation Friends of ICS (FICS):
You can also donate by making a cheque out to:
Friends of ICS
mailed to:
3091 Old Kent Rd. SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49512